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Code Title
AISC 360-05-chn 美国钢结构建筑设计规范
AISC 360-10-chn 美国钢结构建筑设计规范
ASCE 7-10-chn 美国建筑和其他结构最小设计荷载规范
AISC 341-10-chn 美国钢结构建筑抗震规范
AISC 318-11-chn 美国混凝土建筑结构规范
BS EN 1992-2-1995-chn 欧洲混凝土桥规范
BS EN 1993-1-1-2005-chn 欧洲钢结构规范:通用规则及适用于建筑物的规定
BS EN 1993-1-8-2005-chn 欧洲钢结构规范:节点设计
BS EN 1993-1-10-2005-chn 欧洲钢结构规范:材料的韧性及厚度方向性能
BS EN 1994-2-1997-chn 欧洲钢-混凝土组合桥规范
日本钢结构设计规范-2005-chn 日本钢结构设计规范(2005修订版):容许应力设计法

英钢协出版物 BCSA Publication


BCSA Publication

BCSA NO. Title
P35-03 Steel Buildings
P36-04 BCSA Code of Practice for Erection of Low Rise Buildings
P37/04 BCSA Code of Practice for Metal Decking and Stud Welding
P38/05 BCSA Guide to the Erection of Steel Bridges
P39/05 BCSA Guide to Steel Erection in Windy Conditions
P40/05 Galvanizing Structural Steelwork
P41/05 Steel Details
P42/06 BCSA Code of Practice for Erection of Multi-Storey Buildings
P43/07 BCSA Guide to Work at Height during the Loading and Unloading of Steelwork
P44/07 BCSA Guide to the Installation of Deep Decking
P45/07 Allocation of Design Responsibilities in Constructional Steelwork
P46/08 Guide to the CE Marking of Structural Steelwork
P47/09 BCSA Guide to the Management of Site Lifting Operations
P48/09 Health and Safety on Steel Construction Sites Guide for Employees
P49/09 Health and Safety in the Workshop for Employees A Guide for Steelwork Contractors
P50/09 Typical Welding Procedure Specifications for Structural Steelwork
P51/10 Steel Bridges
P52/10 NSSS 5th Ed CE Marking Version
P53/10 Eurocode Load Combinations for Steel Structures
P54/12 Guide to Weld Inspection for Structural Steelwork
P55/13 Handbook of Structural Steelwork Eurocode Edition

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode


Designers’ Guide to Eurocode

Design Guide Title
EN 1990 Designers’ guide to EN 1990
EN 1991-1-4 Designers’ guide to EN 1991-1-4
EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-1-2 Designers’ guide to EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-1-2
EN 1993-1-1 Designers’ guide to EN 1993-1-1
EN 1994-2 Designers’ guide to EN 1994-2
EN 1998-1 and EN 1998-5 Designers’ guide to EN 1998-1 and EN 1998-5

Eurocode英钢协出版物(SCI Publication)



SCI Publication to Eurocode

SCI Publication Title
Steel Designers’ Manual Steel Designers’ Manual – 7th ed
Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete – 3th ed
P300 Composite Slabs and Beams using Steel Decking – Best Practice for Design and Construction
P354 Design of Floors for Vibration – A New Approach
P355 Design of Composite Beams with Large Web Openings
P356 Composite Highway Bridge Design
P357 Composite Highway Bridge Design – Worked Examples
P358 Joints in Steel Construction Simple Joints to Eurocode 3
P359 Composite Design of Steel Framed Buildings
P360 Stability of Steel beams and columns
P361 Steel Building Design – Introduction to the Eurocodes
P362 Steel Building Design – Concise Eurocodes
P363 Steel Building Design – Design Data
P364 Steel Building Design – Worked Examples – Open Sections
P365 Steel Building Design – Medium rise Braced Frames
P374 Steel Building Design – Work Examples – Hollow Sections
P375 Fire Resistance Design of Steel Framed Buildings
P376 Steel Building Design – Worked Examples for Students
P382 Steel Bridge Group – Model Project Specification
P385 Design of Steel Beams in Torsion
P391 Structural Robustness of Steel Framed Buildings
P394 Wind Actions to BS EN 1991-1-4
P397 Elastic Design Single-Span Portal Frame to Eurocode 3
P398 Joints in Steel Construction Moment-Resisting Joints to Eurocode 3
P399 Design of steel portal frame buildings to EC3
P400 Design of Portal Frames to Eurocode 3 – An Overview for UK Designers
P405 Minimum Degree of Shear Connection Rules For UK Construction to Eurocode 4
P419 Brittle Fracture Selection of Steel Sub-Grade to BS EN 1993-1-10





Non-Contradictory Complementary Information Example

NCCI Example Non-Contradictory Complementary Information Example
SX001a-EN-EU Simply supported laterally unrestrained
SX002a-EN-EU Buckling resistance of a pinned column with intermediate restraints
SX003a-EN-EU Simply supported beam with intermediate lateral restraints
SX004a-EN-EU Pinned column using non-slender H-section or RHS
SX005a-EN-EU Choosing a steel sub-grade
SX006a-EN-EU Calculation of alpha-cr
SX007a-EN-EU Simply supported beam with lateral restraint at load application point
SX008a-EN-EU Sway stability
SX009a-EN-EU Composite floor slab
SX010a-EN-EU Continuous column in a multi-storey building using an H-section or RHS
SX011a-EN-EU Unrestrained beam with end moments
SX012a-EN-EU End plate beam-to-column-flange simple connection
SX013a-EN-EU Fin plate beam-to-column-flange connection
SX014a-EN-EU Simply supported secondary composite beam
SX015a-EN-EU Simply supported primary composite beam
SX016a-EN-EU Determination of loads on a building envelope
SX017a-EN-EU Single span truss and post frame for a low pitch roof using battened section chords
SX018a-EN-EU Column splice – non-bearing splice
SX019a-EN-EU Column base connection under axial compression
SX020a-EN-EU Tying and the avoidance of disproportionate collapse
SX021a-EN-EU Simply supported IPE profile purlin
SX022a-EN-EU Calculation of effective section properties for a cold-formed lipped channel section in bending
SX023a-EN-EU Calculation of effective section properties for a cold-formed lipped channel section in compression
SX024a-EN-EU Design of a cold-formed steel lipped
SX025a-EN-EU Design of a cold-formed steel lipped channel wall stud in tension
SX026a-EN-EU Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending
SX027a-EN-EU Design of a cold-formed steel lipped channel wall stud in compression and bending
SX028a-EN-EU Design resistance of a screwed connection of cold-formed members
SX029a-EN-EU Elastic analysis of a single bay portal frame
SX030a-EN-EU Elastic design of a single bay portal frame made of fabricated profiles
SX031a-EN-EU Portal frame – eaves moment connection
SX033b-EN-EU Truss or post end connection
SX034a-EN-EU Bolted connection of an angle brace in tension to a gusset plate
SX036a-EN-EU Fire resistance of a welded box section
SX037a-EN-EU Fire resistance of a composite slab to EN 1994-1-2
SX038a-EN-EU Fire resistance of a partially encased composite steel beam
SX039a-EN-EU Fire resistance of a partially encased composite column
SX040a-EN-EU Fire engineering a composite SHS column
SX041a-EN-EU Fire design of an unprotected beam using graphs
SX042a-EN-EU Parametric fire curve for a fire
SX043a-EN-EU Fire design of unprotected HEB section
SX044a-EN-EU Fire design of a protected HEB section column exposed to the standard temperature time curve
SX045a-EN-EU Fire design of a protected HEB section column exposed to the parametric fire curve
SX046a-EN-EU Fire design of an unprotected IPE section beam exposed to the standard time temperature curve
SX047a-EN-EU Fire design of protected IPE section beam exposed to parametric fire curve
SX048a-EN-EU Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve





Eurocode Non-Contradictory Complementary Information

NCCI Non-Contradictory Complementary Information
SN001a-EN-EU Critical axial load for torsional and flexural torsional
SN002a-EN-EU Determination of non-dimensional slenderness of I and H sections
SN003a-EN-EU Elastic critical moment for lateral torsional buckling
SN004a-EN-EU Calculation of alpha-cr
SN005a-EN-EU Determination of moments on columns in simple construction
SN006a-EN-EU Elastic critical moment of cantilevers
SN007a-EN-EU Torsion
SN008a-EN-EU Buckling lengths of columns – rigorous approach
SN009a-EN-EU Effective lengths and destabilizing load parameters for beams and cantilevers – common cases
SN010a-EN-EU Initial Design of non-Composite Beams
SN012a-EN-EU Sizing guidance – non-composite columns (H sections)
SN013a-EN-EU Initial sizing of simple end plate connections
SN014a-EN-EU Shear resistance of a simple end plate connection
SN015a-EN-EU Tying resistance of a simple end plate connection
SN016a-EN-EU Initial sizing of fin plate connections
SN017a-EN-EU Shear resistance of a fin plate connection
SN018a-EN-EU Tying resistance of a fin plate connection
SN019a-EN-EU Design rules for web openings in beams
SN020a-EN-EU Simple Construction – concept and typical frame
SN021a-EN-EU Design of simple column bases with shear nibs
SN022a-EN-EU Initial Design of Composite Beams
SN023a-EN-EU Design model for non-bearing column splices
SN024a-EN-EU Initial sizing of non-bearing column splices
SN025a-EN-EU Column splices not requiring full continuity of stiffeness
SN026a-EN-EU Bearing column splices
SN027a-EN-EU Design of roof trusses
SN028a-EN-EU Initial sizing of vertical bracing for a multi-storey building for design as a braced, non-sway frame
SN029a-EN-EU Modelling of portal frames – elastic analysis
SN030a-EN-EU Mono-symmetrical uniform members under bending and axial compression
SN031a-EN-EU Effective lengths of columns and truss elements in truss portal frame construction
SN032a-EN-EU General method for out-of-plane buckling in portal frames
SN033a-EN-EU Simple methods for second order effects in portal frames
SN034a-EN-EU Vertical and horizontal deflection limits for multi-storey buildings
SN035a-EN-EU Practical deflection limits for single storey buildings
SN036a-EN-EU Vibrations
SN037a-EN-EU Design model for simple column bases- axially loaded I section columns
SN038a-EN-EU Design of a notched section at the end of a beam
SN039a-EN-EU Practical analytical models for portal frames (plastic analysis)
SN040a-EN-EU Design model for welded joints in trusses using structural hollow sections
SN041a-EN-EU Design of portal frame eaves connections
SN042a-EN-EU Design of portal frame apex connections
SN043a-EN-EU Design of fixed column base joints
SN044a-EN-EU Design models for splices in structural hollow
SN045a-EN-EU Column base stiffness for global analysis
SN046a-EN-EU Design of out of plane and transverse restraint systems for portal frames
SN047a-EN-EU Simplified approaches to the selection of equivalent horizontal forces for the global analysis of braced and unbraced frames
SN048b-EN-GB Verification of columns in simple construction – a simplified interaction criterion